Baby's breath sounds are usually not a dangerous thing. But Mother still needs to be vigilant, especially if the baby's breath sounds accompanied by shortness of breath, coughing, fever, and the baby looks weak. Such conditions may require immediate treatment. Baby's breath sounds can be due to the lungs and respiratory tract of your child still need time to adapt to the new environment that is different from the uterus. The sound of this baby's breathing may make parents worry, but actually this condition is not dangerous. Usually, this condition lasts for several weeks. And after he gets bigger, this breath will disappear by itself. Baby's breath sounds normal and not Generally, a baby's breathing sounds that occur occasionally is normal. The sound of breath in babies can be caused by the baby's respiratory tract which is still narrow and the baby cannot cough or expel mucus in the airways as in children and adults. In newborns, this makes the mucus...